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International Journal of Women's Health

ISSN: 1179-1411

The following Article Collection/ Thematic Series is currently open for submissions:

The Prevention, Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Cancer

Dove Medical Press is pleased to invite you to submit your research to an upcoming Article Collection on "The Prevention, Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Cancer" in the International Journal of Women's Health.

The morbidity and mortality of cervical cancer are fourth ranked in global female malignant tumors. It can be reduced significantly by implementing cytology and HPV testing effectively. The use of the HPV vaccine has also significantly reduced the incidence of human papillomavirus (HPV)-related diseases. Early diagnosis and treatment is the key to preventing cervical cancer, and can definitely reduce the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is a preventable and curable disease, and HPV is a necessary but not sufficient cause of cervical cancer. Over the past few decades, the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer have decreased in most countries and regions, especially in developed countries. However, in developing countries and regions, cervical cancer morbidity and mortality remain high, which is closely related to the human development index, poverty rate, the coverage rate of cervical cancer screening, the sensitivity of cervical cytological testing, the accessibility of HPV vaccine, sexual lifestyle, and HPV virus transmission. In 2018, to reduce the global burden of cervical cancer, the WHO Director-General called for the elimination of cervical cancer worldwide (≤4 per 100,000 women worldwide). With the increasing coverage of cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccine, more and more HPV-independent cervical cancer is being identified. The questions of how to effectively achieve the goal of eliminating cervical cancer, how to effectively implement vaccination, early diagnosis and treatment, as well as the difficulties and challenges existing in practice, have been the concern of governments and medical institutions globally.

We are calling for papers on cervical cancer (HPV dependent and HPV-independent) prevention, early diagnosis and treatment, including:
• HPV vaccination
• epidemiology of cervical cancer
• risk factors
• disparities and challenges
• screening methods of cervical cancer
• screening frequency and interval
• screening outcomes and follow-up
• screening in special populations
• cost-effectiveness and implementation
• the role of colposcopy in cervical cancer prevention and treatment
• the treatment of cervical precancer.
• innovative approaches to cervical cancer screening and prevention
• clinicopathological and molecular characteristics of cervical precancer and cancer

Submission types include research articles, clinical studies, reviews, case reports, technology reports, opinion and commentary.

• Screening tests
• HPV vaccine
• HPV-independent cervical cancer
• Prevention
• Diagnosis
• Treatment

All manuscripts submitted to this Article Collection will undergo desk assessment and peer-review as part of our standard editorial process. Guest Advisors for this collection will not be involved in peer-reviewing manuscripts unless they are an existing member of the Editorial Board. Please review the journal Aims and Scope and author submission instructions prior to submitting a manuscript.

The deadline for submitting manuscripts is 30 October 2024.

Please submit your manuscript on our website, quoting the promo code ADVEH to indicate that your submission is for consideration in this Article Collection.

Guest Advisors

Jianliu Wang, Peking University People’s Hospital, China

[email protected]

Dr. Wang is the professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Vice-Dean of Peking University People’s Hospital. He is Editor-in-Chief of Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinical Medicine.

Jae-Weon Kim, Seoul National University and Seoul National University Hospital, South Korea

[email protected]

Dr. Kim is the current President of the Korean Society of Gynecologic Oncology and the Asian Society of Gynecologic Oncology. He has been a Board Executive of the Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup.

Aikou Okamoto, Jikei University School of Medicine, Japan

[email protected]

Jae-Yun Song, Korea University College of Medicine, South Korea

[email protected]

Masataka Takenaka, Jikei University School of Medicine, Japan

[email protected]

Junya Tabata, Jikei University School of Medicine, Japan

[email protected]





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Call For Papers

Editor-in-Chief: Professor Elie D Al-Chaer

To see where the International Journal of Women's Health is indexed online view the Journal Metrics.

What is the advantage to you of publishing in the International Journal of Women's Health?

  • It is an open access journal which means that your paper is available to anyone in the world to download for free directly from the Dove website.
  • Although the International Journal of Women's Health receives many papers, unlike many traditional journals, your paper will not be rejected due to lack of space. We are an electronic journal and there are no limits on the number or size of the papers we can publish.
  • The time from submission to a decision being made on a paper can, in many journals, take some months and this is very frustrating for authors. The International Journal of Women's Health has a quicker turnaround time than this. Generally peer review is complete within 3-4 weeks and the editor’s decision within 2-14 days of this. It is therefore very rare to have to wait more than 6 weeks for first editorial decision.
  • Many authors have found that our peer reviewer’s comments substantially add to their final papers.

To recover our editorial and production costs and continue to provide our content at no cost to readers we charge authors or their institution an article publishing charge.

PubMed Central
The International Journal of Women's Health is indexed on PubMed Central (title abbreviation: Int J Womens Health). All published papers in this journal are submitted to PubMed for indexing straight away.

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Yours sincerely
Dr Elie D. Al-Chaer
International Journal of Women's Health

Email: Editor-in-Chief

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