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Paper published by Prof. Dr. Stefania Dinu:

Macro, Micro, and Nano-Inspired Bioactive Polymeric Biomaterials in Therapeutic, and Regenerative Orofacial Applications

Atia GA, Shalaby HK, Roomi AB, Ghobashy MM, Attia HA, Mohamed SZ, Abdeen A, Abdo M, Fericean L, Bănățean Dunea I, Atwa AM, Hasan T, Mady W, Abdelkader A, Ali SA, Habotta OA, Azouz RA, Malhat F, Shukry M, Foda T, Dinu S

Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2023, 17:2985-3021

Published Date: 27 September 2023