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Sustained-release pregabalin with methylcobalamin in neuropathic pain: an Indian real-life experience

Authors Dongre YU, Swami OC 

Received 15 March 2013

Accepted for publication 8 April 2013

Published 29 May 2013 Volume 2013:6 Pages 413—417


Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 3

Video abstract presented by Onkar C Swami

Views: 142950

Yasmin U Dongre, Onkar C Swami

Unichem Laboratories Ltd, Unichem Bhavan, Mumbai, India

Introduction: Neuropathic pain is intense in nature and difficult to manage. Thus, the primary goal is maximum relief from pain. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of a fixed-dose combination of sustained-release pregabalin and methylcobalamin in reducing neuropathic pain in Indian patients, in the real-life situation.
Methods: This was a multicenter, prospective, open-labeled, single-arm, observational, 14-day study. Patients received fixed dose combination of 75 or 150 mg sustained-release pregabalin combined with 1500 mcg immediate release methylcobalamin, depending on the clinical requirement. Data was collected for pain reduction and other positive and negative symptoms associated with neuropathy, including hyperesthesia, paresthesia, numbness/tingling, burning sensation, muscle weakness, sleep disturbances, and impairment of movement. Pain intensity was measured on a ten-point visual analog scale (VAS) (0 represented "no pain," and 10 represented "worst pain ever"). The safety of the drug was also evaluated throughout the study duration. Data was analyzed using appropriate statistical methods.
Results: The overall reduction in mean VAS score over 14 days was 72.3%. The reduction in mean VAS score was significant as early as the first week. Both positive and negative symptoms of peripheral neuropathy were significantly improved in >50% patients within the 2 weeks. Giddiness (4.7%), followed by sedation (3.6%), dizziness (2.9%), drowsiness (2.3%), and nausea (2.3%) were the most commonly observed adverse effects. The overall efficacy and tolerability was rated as good to excellent by >95% of the investigators and patients.
Conclusion: Fixed dose combination of sustained-release pregabalin and methylcobalamin significantly reduced neuropathic pain, with significant improvement in both the positive and negative symptoms associated with neuropathy, in Indian patients and was well tolerated.

Keywords: pregabalin, sustained release, methylcobalamin, peripheral neuropathy, India

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