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All-laser bladeless cataract surgery, combining femtosecond and nanosecond lasers: a novel surgical technique

Authors Kanellopoulos AJ 

Received 25 April 2013

Accepted for publication 11 May 2013

Published 13 September 2013 Volume 2013:7 Pages 1791—1795


Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 2

Video abstract presented by Kanellopoulos AJ.

Views: 2769

Anastasios John Kanellopoulos

LaserVision gr Institute, Athens, Greece; New York University Medical School, New York, NY, USA

Purpose: To report the safety and efficacy of a novel surgical technique using two lasers in cataract surgery.
Methods: In this contralateral eye report, a 57-year-old female underwent cataract extraction. Two laser devices and a standard phacoemulsification, platform were used to conduct the procedures. First, a femtosecond laser was used to perform the corneal incision, capsulorhexis, and initial lens fragmentation in each eye. Following this, a nanosecond laser was used to enter the 2.8 mm incision, uni-axially, and complete the viscoelastic-divided nucleus fragment emulsification and removal in one eye. Standard phacoemulsification was used in the completion of the other eye. Posterior chamber foldable acrylic intraocular lenses were implanted in both cases. We evaluated perioperative acuity, refraction, keratometry, Scheimpflug tomography, intraocular pressure, endothelial cell counts, and total energy used with each laser in each case.
Results: Corrected distance visual acuity improved from preoperative 20/60 and 20/70 to postoperative 20/20 in both eyes, with 6-month follow-up. In the right eye, the total intraocular energy used was 2 J by the femtosecond laser and 6 J by the phacoemulsification device. In the left eye, the nanosecond laser utilized the same energy of 2 J and the nanosecond laser 2.4 J (80 pulses of 30 mJ each). There were no other differences noted in intraocular pressure or endothelial cell counts.
Conclusion: In this report, we introduce a bladeless all-laser cataract surgery extraction alternative technique, with several potential novel advantages: enhanced incision and capsulorhexis reproducibility, reduction in intraocular energy used, and elimination of the potential of thermal corneal injury.

Keywords: LenSx® femtosecond laser, Cetus nanosecond laser, energy consumed, small-incision cataract surgery

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