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Papers published by Prof. Dr. Mauricio Maia:

Potential Risk Factors for Ocular Pain in Patients Undergoing Multiple Intravitreal Injections of Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor

Damasceno NA, Oliveira JAE, Yannuzzi NA, Flynn Jr HW, Maia M, Damasceno EF, Farah ME

Clinical Ophthalmology 2024, 18:1691-1699

Published Date: 7 June 2024

Early-Phase Perceptions of COVID-19’s Impact on Ophthalmology Practice Patterns: A Survey from the Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology

Bonilla-Escobar FJ, Sánchez-Cano D, Lasave AF, Soria J, Franco-Cárdenas V, Reviglio VE, Dantas PE, Palacio Pastrana C, Corbera JC, Chan RY, Diaz AL, Garcia Hernandez M, Maia M, Carpentier C, Wu L, Sanchez M, Murillo Sasamoto M, Murillo Azcárraga G, Roca JA, Serrano MA, Alezzandrini AA, Sanchez Montoya JG, Gabela G, Garcia-Aguirre G, Arevalo JF

Clinical Ophthalmology 2023, 17:3249-3259

Published Date: 31 October 2023

Diathermy for 23-gauge sclerotomy: a functional and morphologic study to avoid ocular hypotony

Horowitz S, Damasceno NA, Muralha F, Pereira MB, Maia M, Damasceno EF

Clinical Ophthalmology 2019, 13:1703-1710

Published Date: 4 September 2019

Association of age and macular pigment optical density using dual-wavelength autofluorescence imaging

Lima VC, Rosen RB, Prata TS, Dorairaj S, Spielberg L, Maia M, Sallum JM

Clinical Ophthalmology 2013, 7:685-690

Published Date: 4 April 2013