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Prevalence of Paternal Prenatal Depression and Its Associated Factors in Saudi Arabia [Corrigendum]

Authors Younis AS , Julaidan GS, Alsuwaylimi RA, Almajed BM, AlShammari RT, AlFirm RB, Alfarra LA

Received 11 June 2024

Accepted for publication 11 June 2024

Published 14 June 2024 Volume 2024:17 Pages 1621—1622


Younis AS, Julaidan GS, Alsuwaylimi RA, et al. Risk Manag Healthc Policy. 2024;17:1083–1092.

Page 1085, Results, lines 5 and 6, the text “Higher education was attained by more than two-thirds of the fathers (n=335, 69.7%)” should read “Higher education was attained by three-quarters of the fathers (n=335, 75.8%)”.

Page 1085, Results, line 6, the text “42.2% of them owned their homes” should read “43.2% of them owned their homes”.

Page 1086, Table 1, Expected fetus gender, Male row, the text “179 (40.3)” should read “178 (40.3)”.

The authors apologize for these errors.

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