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Generalized in vitro-in vivo relationship (IVIVR) model based on artificial neural networks

Authors Mendyk A, Tuszyński PK, Polak S, Jachowicz R

Received 10 December 2012

Accepted for publication 12 February 2013

Published 27 March 2013 Volume 2013:7 Pages 223—232


Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 2

Video abstract presented by Aleksander Mendyk

Views: 2734

Aleksander Mendyk,1 Pawel Tuszynski,1 Sebastian Polak,2 Renata Jachowicz1

1Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics, 2Department of Social Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland

Background: The aim of this study was to develop a generalized in vitro-in vivo relationship (IVIVR) model based on in vitro dissolution profiles together with quantitative and qualitative composition of dosage formulations as covariates. Such a model would be of substantial aid in the early stages of development of a pharmaceutical formulation, when no in vivo results are yet available and it is impossible to create a classical in vitro-in vivo correlation (IVIVC)/IVIVR.
Methods: Chemoinformatics software was used to compute the molecular descriptors of drug substances (ie, active pharmaceutical ingredients) and excipients. The data were collected from the literature. Artificial neural networks were used as the modeling tool. The training process was carried out using the 10-fold cross-validation technique.
Results: The database contained 93 formulations with 307 inputs initially, and was later limited to 28 in a course of sensitivity analysis. The four best models were introduced into the artificial neural network ensemble. Complete in vivo profiles were predicted accurately for 37.6% of the formulations.
Conclusion: It has been shown that artificial neural networks can be an effective predictive tool for constructing IVIVR in an integrated generalized model for various formulations. Because IVIVC/IVIVR is classically conducted for 2–4 formulations and with a single active pharmaceutical ingredient, the approach described here is unique in that it incorporates various active pharmaceutical ingredients and dosage forms into a single model. Thus, preliminary IVIVC/IVIVR can be available without in vivo data, which is impossible using current IVIVC/IVIVR procedures.

Keywords: artificial neural networks, in vitro-in vivo, correlation, relationship, bioavailability, soft computing

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