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Dr Min Li

Dr Min Li

Associate Editor: Professor Min Li

Dr. Min Li is Professor of Medicine, Surgery, and Cell Biology, and holds the Virginia Kerley Cade Endowed Chair in Cancer Treatment. He is the Director of GI Cancer Research, Department of Medicine, and Vice Chair for Research, Department of Surgery, at The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. He is a leading expert on pancreatic cancer. His research mainly focus on studying pancreatic cancer (PC) pathogenesis and developing new therapies. Dr. Li’s group is the first to identify a key zinc transporter ZIP4, which is aberrantly expressed in PC, and promotes cancer growth, cachexia, and metastasis. He has published more than 130 papers in the above mentioned research area. He has 3 active NIH R01 grants, and multiple private foundation grants. Dr. Li is a member of many NIH study sections.