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International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

ISSN: 1178-2005

Journal Articles:

Sarcopenia and frailty in COPD: Mechanisms, Biomarkers, and Potential Interventions

Many COPD patients present with an advanced form of age-related muscle impairment, called sarcopenia. In addition, these patients may also exhibit reduced physiological reserves and an increased susceptibility to adverse health outcomes, termed frailty. It is generally well recognized that the presence of sarcopenia and/or frailty in COPD patients increases functional dependency, disease exacerbation, and mortality. Timely recognition and intervention of sarcopenia and frailty are critical for treating COPD. Both these conditions have multifactorial etiologies, necessitating a rigorous characterization of the associated molecular mechanisms and biomarkers before optimal therapeutic interventions are applied. However, the driving molecular mechanisms, biomarkers for identification, and effective therapeutic strategies for sarcopenia and frailty in COPD remain elusive. This Article Collection aims to unravel the molecular and cellular alterations governing pathogenesis of sarcopenia and frailty in COPD.