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Clinical Interventions in Aging

ISSN: 1178-1998

Aims and Scope

Editor-in-Chief: Professor Nandu Goswami

Clinical Interventions in Aging focuses on concise and rapid reporting of original research and reviews in aging. Special attention will be given to papers focused on prevention or treatment of diseases in older persons (> 65 years) or a greater understanding of patho (physio-) logical processes that result from maladaptive changes in the body associated with aging.

Clinical Interventions in Aging will no longer accept meta-analyses and study protocols for publication.

Specific topics covered by the journal include:

  • Intrinsic diseases of aging such as cancer, diabetes, dementia, etc.
  • Management of “normal” but degenerative aging processes such as changes in body composition leading to the loss of independence and decreased quality of life
  • Functional and cognitive decline in humans
  • Falls and falls-related injuries risk, assessment and interventions in older persons
  • Health-oriented approach to aging (as opposed to a disease-oriented one)
  • Integrative, preventive, and personalized approaches in aging care
  • Replacement of essential substances whose concentrations decline during aging
  • Clinical options to combat the maladaptive effects of aging
  • Preventing or delaying the onset of intrinsic diseases of aging
  • Managing functional decline during senescence
  • Metabolic therapies
  • Indicators of disease risk
  • Health systems or structures that support scaling approaches in aging healthcare and health care interventions

Submissions to Clinical Interventions in Aging should have a clear aging research focus, with a particular focus on older persons (> 65 years). Only in exceptional cases, will manuscript related to early onset diseases will be considered (e.g., Alzheimer’s). The journal welcomes submitted papers covering original research, epidemiological studies, reviews, expert opinions, and commentaries. 

Pre-clinical studies in healthy persons which help in understanding aging related functional and cognitive decline and falls risk are also welcome. However, animal and cell-based studies will not be considered

When considering submission of a paper utilizing publicly available data, authors should ensure that such studies add significantly to the body of knowledge and that they are validated using the authors’ own data through replication in an original sample.

Case reports/series submitted to Clinical Interventions in Aging will be diverted to the to the case reports section of the International Medical Case Reports Journal (Journal metric data for this journal can be accessed here).

Letters and commentaries can only be considered in exceptional cases, and following EIC’s decision.