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Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management

ISSN: 1178-203X

Aims and Scope

Editor-in-Chief: Professor Garry Walsh

Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management is an international, peer-reviewed journal of clinical therapeutics and risk management, focusing on concise rapid reporting of clinical studies in all therapeutic areas, outcomes, safety, and programs for the effective, safe, and sustained use of medicines, therapeutic and surgical interventions in all clinical areas.

The journal welcomes submissions covering original research, clinical and epidemiological studies, reviews, guidelines, expert opinion and commentary. 

The journal does not accept study protocols, animal-based or cell line-based studies.

Case reports/series submitted to Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management will be diverted to the International Medical Case Reports Journal (Journal metric data for this journal can be accessed here).

When considering submission of a paper utilizing publicly-available data (e.g. SEER), authors should ensure that such studies add significantly to the body of knowledge about a specific disease or relevant phenotype and that they are validated using the authors’ own data through replication in an original sample and functional follow-up.

All meta-analyses require a pre-submission check prior to submitting to Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management. Please complete the pre-submission check form here.