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Eye and Brain

ISSN: 1179-2744

Aims and Scope

Editor-in-Chief: Dr Rustum Karanjia

Eye and Brain is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal focusing on cutting-edge laboratory findings and expert reviews in the field of visual science and neuro-ophthalmology. The journal’s unique focus is the link between two well-known visual centers, the eye and the brain, with an emphasis on the importance of such connections as well as on the eye as a window for neurodegenerative diseases. All aspects of basic research on the visual system are addressed within the journal as well as significant future directions in vision research and therapeutic measures.

This unique journal focuses on neurological aspects of vision – both physiological and pathological.  The scope of the journal spans from the cornea to the associational visual cortex and all the visual centers in between. Topics range from basic biological mechanisms to therapeutic treatment, from simple organisms to humans, and utilizing techniques from molecular biology to behavior. The journal especially welcomes primary research articles or review papers that make the connection between the eye and the brain.

Specific areas covered in the journal include:

  • Physiology and pathophysiology of visual centers
  • Eye movement disorders and strabismus
  • Cellular, biochemical, and molecular features of the visual system
  • Structural and functional organization of the eye and of the visual cortex
  • Metabolic demands of the visual system
  • Diseases and disorders with neuro-ophthalmic manifestations
  • Experimental neuro-ophthalmology and visual system pathology
  • Visual dysfunction in neurodegenerative disease

The journal welcomes submissions of original research, review papers, evaluations, guidelines, expert opinion and commentary and extended reports. Any case reports or case series submitted to Eye and Brain will automatically be diverted to the International Medical Case Reports Journal (Journal metric data for this journal can be accessed here).

Eye and Brain will no longer consider meta-analyses for publication.