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Journal of Healthcare Leadership

ISSN: 1179-3201

The following Article Collections/ Thematic Series are currently open for submissions:

Digital Healthcare Leadership in an Era of Value-Based Care, Health Equity, and Patient Consumerism

Dove Medical Press is pleased to invite you to submit your research to an upcoming Article Collection on "Digital Healthcare Leadership in an Era of Value-Based Care, Health Equity, and Patient Consumerism" in the Journal of Healthcare Leadership.

The proliferation of health information technology to support patient care, which gained accelerated momentum during the COVID-19 pandemic, has continued unabated in the post-pandemic period, with no sign of waning. The pandemic also served to expose and exacerbate disparities in healthcare and health outcomes both in the United States and globally. In the process, the pandemic served to highlight the potential of value-based payment models to reduce health disparities by encouraging organizations to develop partnerships and invest in infrastructure to address people’s clinical and social needs. Since value-based care requires a concurrent focus on improving outcomes and promoting population health, while keeping costs in check, the success of value-based payment models has been inextricably linked to the use of technology. This in turn has fostered growing recognition of the role of health information technology in reducing health disparities and advancing health equity. 

With the growing emphasis on value in the industry and concurrent push towards health equity by public payers and policymakers, health information technology remains central to enabling the shift towards value-based equitable care. While barriers exist, value-based care is a concept that appeals to all stakeholder groups in the healthcare ecosystem, including providers, payers, and patients, who are all seeking better data, more interoperability across health IT systems, actionable, real-time insights, and more effective engagement. 

At the same time, health information technology is also recognized to be central to meeting the increasing demands of patient consumerism. Consumerism refers to growing expectations of patients to be actively involved in decisions related to their own care. Healthcare providers and payers will need to work together to deliver on consumer expectations for convenient, functional high-quality services. In other words, achieving the goals of value-based care in an era of consumerism will require effective personalized care that is seamlessly corroborated across industry operators. This systemwide approach in turn will require organizations to bring together disparate sources of information to create an integrated approach to facilitating improved outcomes and consumer engagement. 

As patients become more engaged consumers of healthcare, providers will need to continue to reevaluate how they interact with patients with the use of engagement and empowerment tools, data ownership and price transparency. Ultimately, as healthcare organizations learn to thrive in the emerging patient-centric, equity-focused, value-based healthcare system, technology that facilitates connectivity across disparate stakeholders, payers, providers, and consumers, will be a foundational cornerstone that enables high-quality, cost-effective care. 

To successfully adapt to this industry transformation, leaders of healthcare organizations need to be prepared to proactively address a variety of challenges. Accordingly, this Article Collection invites original research papers and informed commentary for a global audience, on a variety of topics relevant to digital healthcare leadership in an era of value-based care, health equity, and consumer-centric technology solutions. 

Topics of interest:

  • Health IT and value-based payment models
  • Health IT and health equity
  • Health IT and consumerism
  • Value-based consumer-centric technology solutions
  • Use and impact of telemedicine use on health outcomes
  • Use and impact of telemedicine use on health disparities
  • EHR usability and clinician burden
  • Personalized medicine and predictive analytics
  • Population health analytics
  • Data exchange and interoperability
  • Data safety and privacy
  • Adoption of advanced health IT capabilities
  • Use of health IT for learning and continuous improvement
  • Use of health IT to promote consumer, provider, and payer engagement
  • Health IT and healthcare delivery system reform

All manuscripts submitted to this Article Collection will undergo a full peer-review; the Guest Advisors for this collection will not be handling the manuscripts (unless they are an Editorial Board member). Please review the journal scope and author submission instructions prior to submitting a manuscript.

The deadline for submitting manuscripts is 30 September 2024.

Please submit your manuscript on our website, quoting the promo code YNFWF to indicate that your submission is for consideration in this Article Collection.

Guest Advisor

Pavani Rangachari, University of New Haven

[email protected]

Pavani Rangachari, Ph.D., CPH, serves as Professor of Healthcare Administration and Public health and Director of the Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) program in the School of Health Sciences at the University of New Haven. Her expertise is in health policy and administration, including healthcare organization, delivery, financing, health disparities, and public health. Her special interest lies in the implementation of innovation and change in healthcare organizations. Dr Rangachari holds an M.S. in Health Management & Policy from the School of Public Health at the University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY), and a Ph.D. in Public Administration & Policy, from the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy at the University at Albany, SUNY. Dr Rangachari also has extensive work experience in the healthcare industry, through service in leadership roles at both a state hospital association and a community hospital.

Dr. Rangachari has received independent research grants as Principal Investigator from the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and has published numerous primary-authored articles in the fields of healthcare management, leadership, health informatics, and public health. Her scholarship has contributed towards the: 1) identification of evidence-based management strategies for successful innovation implementation in healthcare organizations and 2) development of policy implications for consistent implementation of evidence-based and patient-centered care practices to promote population health. Her research projects have also contributed towards improving healthcare practices and outcomes at her study institutions. Dr. Rangachari’s scholarship has been recognized at a national level with the "Best-Theory-to-Practice Paper Award" from the Academy of Management Healthcare Management Division and nomination for the "Distinguished Paper Award" from the American Medical Informatics Association.

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Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Strengthening Leadership Resilience to Overcome Staff Crisis in Healthcare Systems

Dove Medical Press is pleased to invite you to submit your research to an upcoming Article Collection on "Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Strengthening Leadership Resilience to Overcome Staff Crisis in Healthcare Systems" in the Journal of Healthcare Leadership.

Healthcare systems worldwide are confronted with a formidable challenge that threatens their sustainability. The increasing number of patients, extended life expectancy, rapid changing technological and pharmaceutical complexity, and aspects of planetary health demand more comprehensive care. Paradoxically, healthcare systems are thus becoming victims of their success. The combination of the shortage of specialists with outdated management concepts, toxic management behavior, and a lack of psychological safety among healthcare professionals in the context of a generational conflict exacerbates this predicament.

In the face of the current staffing crisis in healthcare systems, recent and future leaders at every level must take decisive and competent actions to ameliorate this concerning trajectory. Failing to do so may threaten the hard-won achievements of modern healthcare systems. Contributions addressing effective leadership strategies in the upcoming Article Collection are essential to navigating and overcoming this critical challenge.

This Article Collection aims to explore effective leadership strategies to address the crisis arising from the insufficient healthcare workforce. We invite submissions of diverse studies that delve into innovative approaches for bolstering the resilience, safety, and longevity of healthcare systems. Contributions may range from conceptual frameworks to empirical research, shedding light on practical solutions.

Papers submitted for consideration should focus on, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • Leadership initiatives to attract and retain healthcare professionals.
  • Innovative workforce management strategies to optimize healthcare delivery.
  • Case studies highlighting successful interventions in overcoming staffing challenges.
  • Policies and practices fostering a supportive and sustainable healthcare work environment.
  • Research exploring the impact of leadership interventions on healthcare system effectiveness.
  • Educational research on healthcare leadership

All manuscripts submitted to this Article Collection will undergo a full peer-review; the Guest Advisors for this collection will not be handling the manuscripts (unless they are an Editorial Board member). Please review the journal scope and author submission instructions prior to submitting a manuscript.

The deadline for submitting manuscripts is 30 September 2024.

Please submit your manuscript on our website, quoting the promo code UEVPT to indicate that your submission is for consideration in this Article Collection.

Guest Advisors

Reinhard Strametz, Wiesbaden Institute for Healthcare Economics and Patient Safety (WiHelP), RheinMain UAS, Wiesbaden/Germany

[email protected]

Dr. Strametz is a Professor for Patient Safety at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden, Germany. He is anesthesiologist specialized in quality management, clinical risk management and emergency medicine and economist. He was Head of Quality at Frankfurt University Hospital now leading Wiesbaden Institute for Healthcare Economics and Patient Safety (WiHelP). He is Vice Chair of EU CoST Actions European Researchers' Network Working von Second Victims ERNST (CA19113) and Supporting emerging care economy, empowering caregivers to provide safe care at home “BetterCare” (CA22152).

José Joaquin Mira Solves, Fundacion para el foment de la Investigacion Sanitaria y Biomedica de la comunitat Valenciana

(FISABIO), Alicante/Spain

[email protected]

Dr. Mira is a Professor of the University Miguel Hernández, and clinical psychologist conducting clinical assistance at Alicante-Sant Joan Health District. Dr Mira is also an Associate Editor at BMC Health Service Research offering his expertise in health quality, performance, safety and outcomes, and BMC Primary Care, where he is Co-Editor of the Journal of Healthcare Quality Research (Spanish Journal of Quality Assurance). Additionally, he is President of the Scientific Committee at the FISABIO Research Institute in the Valencian Community and Chair of the EU CoST-Actions ERNST (CA19113) and BetterCare (CA22152).

Stefan Bushuven, Training Center for Emergency Medicine (NOTIS e.V)

[email protected]

Dr. Bushuven is an Infection Control Specialist and Intensive Care Physician in the District of Constance, Germany. He is Vice Chair of NOTIS e.V., an NPO Training Center for Emergency Medicine. His research group focuses on Medical Didactics and Medical Education in Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine especially in the fields of Cognitive Error, Learning Motivation and Second Victim Phenomena.


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Interdisciplinary Leadership for Healthcare Systems

Dove Medical Press is pleased to invite you to submit your research to an upcoming Article Collection on "Interdisciplinary Leadership for Healthcare Systems" in the Journal of Healthcare Leadership.

Healthcare systems are increasingly reliant on interdisciplinary teams and integrated data systems to deliver cost-effective quality care. Even though today’s healthcare organizations are complex adaptive systems, leadership training programs focus on targeted professional groups, e.g., physicians or nurses. Today’s integrated systems need leaders that function across disciplines and take advantage of integrated information and communication systems. It is critical to train leaders to operate in interdisciplinary teams and to take a systems approach to managing their organizations. We are interested in learning about experiences within healthcare organizations that have developed interdisciplinary leadership teams to manage their organization. As hospitals merge into larger systems, the leadership is more distant from on-site operations and needs to develop new models for institutional management. The emerging multi-institutional systems also need more in-depth study to understand leadership challenges and successes.

The rise of large systems and hospital mergers created leadership challenges that make it difficult to understand the day-to-day work of providers and support staff. Likewise, system-wide policies designed to create administrative efficiencies, have limited provider autonomy, and created problems of burnout and high staff turnover. Under an interdisciplinary model of leadership quality issues are more easily solved at the point-of-care and subsequently distributed across the larger health system. Current information systems are data-intensive and interdisciplinary in nature. We need decision-making models that are more inclusive and provide leaders with a comprehensive picture of their institutions and systems. We believe that interdisciplinary models of leadership can address these long-standing challenges. It is important to describe existing strategies to identify best practices. System data analytics are becoming more sophisticated, expanded communication models can share this information broadly and take advantage of the interdisciplinary expertise that can understand and act on it.

We are soliciting articles that describe how leadership supports making integrated health care systems more successful. The use of expanded participation in organizational decisions and policies is important. We also are interested in descriptions of interdisciplinary team leadership at the organizational level. How do interdisciplinary leadership models impact burnout, morale, and retention? Can interdisciplinary leadership practices impact patient satisfaction? Are institutions training and implementing models of team science in their operations? If so, how is this further integrated into organizational leadership? We are seeking manuscripts related to training programs that introduce interdisciplinary leadership models into health system administration. How has leadership been adapted to improve patient care? What are leadership requirements and approaches at various levels of the system and organizations that support change management? Do interdisciplinary models help overcome the current healthcare quality challenges?

All manuscripts submitted to this Article Collection will undergo a full peer-review; the Guest Advisors for this collection will not be handling the manuscripts (unless they are an Editorial Board member). Please review the journal scope and author submission instructions prior to submitting a manuscript.

The deadline for submitting manuscripts is 31 October 2024.

Please submit your manuscript on our website, quoting the promo code JJTVN to indicate that your submission is for consideration in this Article Collection.

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Project management in the changing healthcare context

Dove Medical Press is pleased to invite you to submit your research to an upcoming Article Collection on "Project management in the changing healthcare context" in the Journal of Healthcare Leadership.

It is a global phenomenon that healthcare systems and organizations have been pressured to adopt innovative and effective tools to manage service delivery. Since its inception in the early 1900s, project management has become a systematic management tool bringing people and resources together to achieve specific purposes. Its popularity in health and community services has significantly increased in the last two decades to enable implementation of changes and service innovation, achieve service improvement, and trailing new ideas and service models. Project management has changed from being a management tool with limited use by project managers to becoming a common method embedded in the general management and strategies of organizations. However, the significant changes in the scope and complexity of projects have brought significant uncertainty and volatility and the changing economic, demographic, technological, social, cultural, legal and political environments have influenced how projects are designed, delivered and evaluated.

The growing importance of projects in health and community services has been evident over the past twenty years. The unique characteristics of projects provide opportunities to create new knowledge and techniques that improve practice, and capture learnings to inform future project design. Projects brings together many different occupational groups, functional areas of the organization and resources to achieve the specific objectives, enriching the understanding of stakeholder engagement, teamwork effectiveness and relationship management. Learnings from the project design, planning, implementation and evaluation processes and project management experiences in health and community care are important to maximize the contribution of project management in improving health service efficiency. Such learnings may include factors that are critical to project success, tested tools and techniques that improve project effectiveness and efficiency, application of project management in innovation and digital health adoption, and developing team dynamics involving wide range of roles, skills and expertise.

The Article Collection will explore recent changes and evidence in the application of project and project management in the health sector and provide the most relevant guidance to health professionals, trainers and researchers who are involved in leading and managing project work and developing project management competencies by covering the following sub-topics:

· Project application and case examples

   o Tools and techniques

   o Project management competency requirements

   o Competency development and training curriculum

   o Project career pathway

   o Project critical success factors

· Project management challenges

· Virtual Project Teams

· Project evaluation examples

· Project management in innovation and digital health adoption

All manuscripts submitted to this Article Collection will undergo a full peer-review; the Guest Advisors for this collection will not be handling the manuscripts (unless they are an Editorial Board member). Please review the journal scope and author submission instructions prior to submitting a manuscript.

The deadline for submitting manuscripts is 30 November 2024. Please submit your manuscript on our website, quoting the promo code EGLRR to indicate that your submission is for consideration in this Article Collection.

Guest Advisors

Associate Professor Zhanming Liang , James Cook University, Australia

[email protected]

Associate Professor Carmen Reaiche , James Cook University, Australia

[email protected]

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Call For Papers

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  • It is an open access journal which means that your paper is available to anyone in the world to download for free directly from the Dove website.
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  • The time from submission to a decision being made on a paper can, in many journals, take some months and this is very frustrating for authors. The Journal of Healthcare Leadership has a quicker turnaround time than this. Generally peer review is complete within 3-4 weeks and the editor’s decision within 2-14 days of this. It is therefore very rare to have to wait more than 6 weeks for first editorial decision.
  • Many authors have found that our peer reviewer’s comments substantially add to their final papers.

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PubMed Central
The Journal of Healthcare Leadership is indexed on PubMed Central (title abbreviation J Healthc Leadersh). All published papers in this journal are submitted to PubMed for indexing straight away.

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Yours sincerely
Professor Russell Taichman
Journal of Healthcare Leadership

Email: Editor-in-Chief